We Need You.
The bond between animal and human is one that makes us all richer, and creates a better world for everyone.
We are a no kill shelter. That means that if an animal is adoptable, we find a loving and responsible home for him or her. We have volunteers who come to the shelter and help with the socialization of animals – sometimes all it takes is a bit of time to teach the animal that they can trust humans. By providing consistent love, handling, and attention, most cats can be persuaded, particularly if they are young enough. But if an animal is unsuited to life indoors, then we place him/her as a “barn buddy,” where they live outdoors, usually on a farm, but have a warm and sheltered place to sleep, food and fresh water, and medical care.
MGHS is a private, non-profit corporation that receives no county, state or government assistance; we survive solely on what we receive in donations, through adoptions, and from our spay/neuter clinic income. Volunteers help us do so much more with what we have, help us provide for the animals and contribute to the community, contributions that otherwise we would be unable to offer.
Everything we do begins with the generous support of friends like you. You make a difference, regardless of how you support our organization. Here are some specific areas where animal lovers, donors and supporters can get involved to help us.
Our Wish List:
Click here to download our current WISH LIST!
Become a Member of MGHS:
Join our membership ranks and help us with an ongoing monthly donation, large or small. Download the membership form, and call for more information! Download the membership form here.
Download our Volunteer Welcome Packet and Application here (Word doc). We sure could use you. Some areas in which we urgently need volunteer help are:
- Fostering
- Shelter duties
- Our new TNR program
- Bringing supplies to fosters
- Fundraising events
- Picking up donations
- Distributing flyers
Foster a Cat or Kitten:
Please visit our Fostering page for more information and inspiration!
MGHS TNR Program
With the help of Voices for Animals, we won a $4000 grant to start a TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) program for the counties of Madison and Greene. We are very excited, as we receive phone calls from community members who have feral kitties in need of spaying/neutering, but don’t know what to do. Can you volunteer to help? Together, we can make a difference in the lives of feral cats in our communities. Give us a call if you are interested! Download our TNR Guidelines and Trap Loan Agreement here.
Spay & Neuter Funding Assistance
Contribute to a Spay & Neuter Fund to help us give opportunities for disavantaged neighbors to spay or neuter their companion pets for free or at a discounted rate.
Enhance Your Retirement Income by Helping Animals
Consider making a planned gift – there are a wide variety of ways to create an opportunity to fund a charity like Madison-Greene Humane Society, while providing retirement income for yourself and/or saving on taxes. Talk with your legal and financial advisors about ways to help yourself and the animals too!
Sponsor a Cage
We admit that we could always use a little more help paying for food, litter, toys and medicine for our animals while in foster care awaiting their chance at a new home. Consider sponsoring a cage for $10 a month or $100 a year! You will receive a sponsor certificate, a photo of the animal living in your cage and monthly updates.
A Loving Tribute
A memorial gift to the Madison-Greene Humane Society is a touching and beautiful testimony to the life of a beloved person or pet who has passed on, while providing the gift of life for animals in need. Giving a monetary gift can bring some sense of hope in knowing that person is still making a difference and it can be that special touch for expressing compassion to someone who has recently experienced a loss.
Business and Individual Sponsorships
MGHS is the temporary home of over 500 animals annually. As a non-profit organization, our work is entirely made possible through tax-deductible donations from individuals like yourself! A sponsor is an individual or business that is willing to financially support one or more of our animals on a monthly basis or support a program or a part of one of our programs. Becoming a sponsor is easy, and can make a HUGE difference in the lives of our homeless animals–just call us for more details.
Donate A Gift Certificate to MGHS Through Paws for Cause
Click HERE to taken to a Gift Certificate form
Contribute to an Established Endowment
The Lorna Card Best Friends of the Madison-Greene Humane Society Endowment has been established through the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation. Lorna Card was a former member of our Board of Directors and a very active member of the Madison-Greene Humane Society when she passed away unexpectedly. We miss Lorna greatly but are very pleased that she remembered the Humane Society in her will and that her good works live on through this endowment. If you would like to contribute to the Humane Society through this endowment, please contact the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation http://www.cacfonline.org/cacf/ (434-296-1024).
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“I’ve seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives.” ~Tracy Chapman